The Big Sleep (1946)

“The Big Sleep” is a classic film noir that follows private detective Philip Marlowe, played by Humphrey Bogart, as he’s hired by a wealthy, elderly man to resolve a blackmail issue involving his wild daughter, Carmen Sternwood, portrayed by Martha Vickers. As Marlowe delves deeper into the case, he uncovers a complex web of deceit, murder, and double-crossing in the seedy underbelly of 1940s Los Angeles. Along the way, he encounters the alluring Vivian Sternwood, played by Lauren Bacall, who may hold the key to solving the mystery. As Marlowe navigates the city’s dark and treacherous terrain, he must untangle the threads of a twisted plot to uncover the truth, all while trying to stay one step ahead of danger. The second of four screen pairings of Bogart and Bacall. Based on the novel by Raymond Chandler. Starring Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, John Ridgely, Martha Vickers, and Dorothy Malone. Directed by Howard Hawks. 


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