Welcome to Krause Classics

Classic Movies, Stars, Reviews, and More.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple.  We love classic movies and we want others to love them too.  Every year, new classics make our list because we define “classic” as any movie we love that is at least 30 years old.   



If you are not familiar with classic films and don’t know where to start, we’re here to help with reviews and ratings of a growing list of great films.  We are starting out with reviews of some of the most famous films in a variety of genres.  Each month, we feature one star and one featured post along with at least one review related to each.   We explain why the film is important as well as give you some specific things to look for and some interesting facts about the film that might be useful at trivia night.  Most importantly, we tell you why you should take the time to watch it.  With so many different films from different genres and time periods, there is something for everyone.



If you are already a fan of classic movies, we hope you will join our community by adding your own comments to our reviews.  We tell you where your favorite films are playing this month and we feature links to great gifts for classic movie lovers, ways to watch classic films right now and tips to increase your enjoyment of those films.


We hope you enjoy Krause Classics and come back often for our latest reviews and features.

Who We Are

Jeff Krause

Jeffrey S. Krause (Jeff) contributes reviews and feature articles for Krause Classics.  He lives in southeastern Wisconsin close to his hometown of Milwaukee.  He is a (non-practicing) attorney, consultant, historian, writer and speaker.  When he is not watching his favorite classic film, he enjoys travelling, checking out the latest craft brewery, entertaining friends at his backyard bar, reading the classicshistoric fiction, science fiction or fantasy.   He has a day job helping other attorneys find the right technology and use it the right way as a Legal Technology Consultant. 

Kelly Krause



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