Captain from Castile (1947) is an historical adventure set against the backdrop of the Spanish conquest of Mexico. The film follows the journey of Pedro De Vargas, portrayed by Tyrone Power, a young Spanish nobleman who finds himself entangled in the tumultuous events of the early 16th century. After escaping the Spanish Inquisition, Pedro joins the expedition led by Hernán Cortés to the New World. As the expedition unfolds, Pedro’s character evolves from a nobleman seeking refuge to a valiant captain, navigating the treacherous landscapes of political intrigue and love.  Captain from Castile is a tale of courage, honor and self-discovery. 


Most of the scenes taking place in Mexico were filmed there and, as luck would have it, an erupting volcano provided the crew with some amazing backdrops. Along with the direction of Henry King, these scenes give the film an epic quality, years before historic and biblical ethics became a staple in Hollywood. Based on the novel by Samuel Shellabarger. 


Starring Tyrone Power, Jean Peters, Cesar Romero, Lee J. Cobb and John Sutton. Directed by Henry King. 


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